Pamela Rao, PhD

Pamela Rao weighing children in an Indian village

An anthropologist with training in public health research and medical behavioral science, I have a passion for research and evaluation of health and human services on behalf of vulnerable populations, especially children, youth, women, and immigrants.

My 20 years of experience includes projects addressing prevention of youth tobacco use, alcohol and other drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, and violence against women; occupational health of tobacco workers; disparities in health and access to care; and maternal, infant and child health. Project types and activities include behavior change communication and health education, program management and evaluation, community-based participatory research, health care delivery, training and technical assistance, and capacity building.

I have used mixed methods research and evaluation designs integrating individual and household surveys, systematic data collection techniques and ethnographic methods, and in qualitative and quantitative data analysis with SPSS and ATLAS.ti. I have extensive experience in business development, including managing Federal contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. My knowledge of federal research regulations includes extensive experience managing compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, Section 508 accessibility, human subjects protection, and privacy under the e-Government Act.

Featured Project
  • Social Science Research
    • Child survival and child rearing in Andhra Pradesh, India
    • Philanthropic giving patterns in Silicon Valley
  • Program Evaluation for Health/Behavior Change Communication
    • National youth tobacco prevention mass media campaigns
    • Domestic violence prevention for immigrant and refugee populations in the US
    • Pesticide exposure prevention for migrant farmworker families in southern US
  • Program Management
    • Monitoring budgets, deliverables, timelines, and compliance
    • Research approvals and compliance
      • Paperwork Reduction Act
      • Institutional Review Board
      • e-Government Act
Expertise and Technical Skills
  • Populations: maternal, infant, child, youth in low-resource settings
  • Regions: India, United States
  • Languages: Spanish, Telugu (conversational)
  • Data Analysis: SPSS, Atlas.ti
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